
Scheduling Q&A Resources

Follow this step-by-step guide to search for open and available general academic rooms within CU-SIS= Searching for an Available Facility

Reach out to if you do not have access to this search facility function in CU-SIS or run into any questions or issues! 

Note= General academic classroom inventory can be found under the Academic Scheduling - Classroom Inventory section of our website. 

Follow this step-by-step guide to identify which academic course sections are in a specified general academic space within CU-SIS= Class Facility Usage Search

Reach out to if you do not have access to this search facility function in CU-SIS or run into any questions or issues! 

Note= General academic classroom inventory can be found under the Academic Scheduling - Classroom Inventory section of our website. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process of creating and running Curriculum Management Reports (course scheduling/student enrollment info) within CU-SIS= Curriculum Management Report Instructions

Reach out to if you do not have access to this report function in CU-SIS or run into any questions or issues! 

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to properly format a Round 1 or 2 scheduling document with any requested updates= Formatting Round 1/2 Instructions

Reach out to if run into any questions or issues related to academic scheduling! 

Note= More information on the scheduling process can be found under the Academic Scheduling - Scheduling Process section of our website. 

Follow these step by step instructions to guide you through the process of filling out and submitting OnBase Course Inventory Forms in order to update the UCCS course catalog= OnBase CIF Instructions

Reach out to if run into any questions or issues related to OnBase!