New Instructor Provisioning

New Instructor Provisioning - Adding New Faculty to CU-SIS

  1. To initiate this process, the new instructor must have a 6-digit EMPL ID number assigned by the UCCS Human Resources office.
  2. The academic department will submit an Instructor Provisioning form on OnBase using the following link:

    Form Link


    Please including the following information: 

    • Effective Term
    • Effective Year
    • Instructor First/Last Name
    • 6-digit EMPL ID#
    • Instructor Type
    • College
    • Subject Code(s), i.e. courses being taught
  3. Curriculum Management requests that a CU-SIS ID# be created through University Information Systems (UIS) in Denver.
  4. UIS assigns the instructor a 9-digit CU-SIS ID# (former CU students can use their CU-SIS student ID# and can skip this step).
  5. Academic Scheduling then uses this CU-SIS ID# to set-up their instructor provision table, allowing them to be added as an instructor to course sections.

More information

Due to the multiple steps, this entire instructor provision process may take anywhere from 2-14 business days depending on the volume of Curriculum Management and University Information Systems.

For immediate instructor access to a Canvas course shell, please contact the Faculty Resource Center by emailing with "Canvas" in the subject line!

If you have any questions about the instructor provisioning process, please email