New Instructor Provisioning
New Instructor Provisioning - Adding New Faculty to CU-SIS
To initiate this process, the new instructor must have a 6-digit EMPL ID number assigned by the UCCS Human Resources office.
The academic department will submit an Instructor Provisioning form on OnBase using the following link:
Please including the following information:
- Effective Term
- Effective Year
- Instructor First/Last Name
- 6-digit EMPL ID#
- Instructor Type
- College
- Subject Code(s), i.e. courses being taught
Curriculum Management requests that a CU-SIS ID# be created through University Information Systems (UIS) in Denver.
UIS assigns the instructor a 9-digit CU-SIS ID# (former CU students can use their CU-SIS student ID# and can skip this step).
Academic Scheduling then uses this CU-SIS ID# to set-up their instructor provision table, allowing them to be added as an instructor to course sections.