- The College Opportunity Fund (COF) is a trust fund created by the Colorado Legislature that provides a tuition stipend to eligible undergraduate students. The stipend pays a portion of your total in-state tuition when you attend a participating college.
- All students must create a COF account directly through the College Opportunity Fund (COF) website.
- Please see the COF website for the current stipend amounts for public colleges and universities.
- Students must be classified as an in-state resident for tuition purposes and as an undergraduate student. Please see our page for Tuition Classification Information for more details. All newly admitted students must complete a Tuition Classification Form found on our Student Forms page.
- International students are ineligible for in-state tuition and thus cannot receive COF.
- DACA and ASSET students may be eligible if they have graduated from a Colorado high school or completed a high school equivalency exam in Colorado, such as the GED, and have 12 months of physical presence in the state. ASSET students must submit an affidavit to COF directly to obtain a COF ID. This affidavit can be found on our Student Forms page. These students must also submit correct residency documents and COF ID to the Registrar’s office. Please review the revised 2022 ASSET legislation document or contact our office to determine if you are eligible for COF.
- Undocumented students should always refer to our page for Tuition Classification Information or contact our Tuition Classification Specialist for more details.
- International students are ineligible for in-state tuition and thus cannot receive COF.
- Students must register for the courses prior to the course census date. Courses registered for after census date will not be covered by COF. Please see Course Deadlines and Short Course deadlines for more details.
- Students must authorize the funds in their myUCCS portal at least one week before the end of the semester.
- Students must have enough remaining COF hours either from their allotted 145 lifetime or through a waiver/extension.
- Courses must be main campus courses. Courses taken through the Academic Outreach (Extended Studies) are not eligible for COF funds.
- Students receive a total of 145 hours (credits) worth of COF funds during their entire undergraduate career to use at any public Colorado institution.
- For example, if a student uses 10 COF hours at another public Colorado institution prior to UCCS, they will have 135 hours remaining when starting at UCCS.
- For example, if a student uses 10 COF hours at another public Colorado institution prior to UCCS, they will have 135 hours remaining when starting at UCCS.
- Students who graduate with an undergraduate degree and want to continue as an undergraduate student will receive another 30 hours of post-baccalaureate COF hours in addition to any remaining hours of the original 145 they may have.
- No, your COF account is valid at all public higher education institutions in Colorado. You must verify that your information with UCCS matches your COF account, confirm that you have enough remaining hours, and authorize the funds in your myUCCS Portal.
- Students who have used all their allotted 145 COF hours and need additional hours to complete an undergraduate degree can submit a waiver through the Office of the Registrar. These one-time institutional waivers will apply additional COF hours to 3 consecutive semesters (365 days, including summer semester) as needed. These waivers are semester based, meaning any amount of credit hours taken within the selected semesters will be covered by COF funds, as long as the courses are COF eligible courses.
- COF waivers must be submitted and approved by the last day of the semester to receive additional hours for that semester.
- COF waivers must be submitted and approved by the last day of the semester to receive additional hours for that semester.
- After a student submits the waiver through the Office of the Registrar Student Forms page, it is routed to the student’s Academic Advisor for approval. Once approved and processed the additional funds will show on the student’s bill overnight.
- If a student is approved for an institutional waiver and stops attending/graduates during the 365-day waiver period, the waiver will be finished.
- If a student is approved for an institutional waiver and stops attending/graduates during the 365-day waiver period, the waiver will be finished.
- After this 3 semester institutional waiver period, if a student needs additional hours they must apply for an extension directly through the Colorado Department of Higher Education.
- Students can only submit a CDHE Waiver Request after using an institutional waiver through UCCS Office of the Registrar.
- Students have the option to view and change authorization if needed during a semester.
- This can be accessed in the myUCCS portal through the ‘Student Financials’ tab then the ‘Authorize COF’ tile (see ‘How do I authorize’ section above)
Or after registering for a course in the portal
- There most likely is a mismatch with your personal information or eligibility between your UCCS records and your COF account (see previous section).
- Students who have already authorized their COF and have recently made any change to their information with UCCS or COF account will not have to re-authorize their COF funds. If information matches between COF and UCCS then the revoked status will go away after 48 hours.
- Please contact the Office of the Registrar to verify your information if unsure.
- No. To receive the COF stipend for a course, students must register for the course by the course’s census date.
- Any course dropped before the course’s posted census date will not use any of the student’s COF hours. A course dropped after census date will receive a ‘W’ grade and will use up COF hours. The COF hours for a withdrawn course will not go back to the student’s account.
- Visit the College Opportunity Fund website:
- Contact our office:
Phone: (719) 255-3361
Chat: See the 'Live Chat' icon to the right of this page
In person: Main Hall, suite 108 (