The Scheduling Process

Scheduling of Main Campus classes begins in the spring with the next year’s Spring classes, followed by Summer and Fall. Each semester the class schedules are generated by rolling all active sections from the previous year’s like-term schedule (e.g., Summer 2023 is copied to create Summer 2024). Drafts of the schedule are sent to departments in two rounds, allowing two chances to request and finalize changes.

Round 1

Academic Scheduling generates a Curriculum Management Report of the term schedule and sends it electronically as a Word document to departments. Departments then copy courses and make any changes to their classes – days, times, instructor, enrollment limits, room pre-assignments, etc. in a new Word document by enabling track changes. Please refer to Do’s and Don’ts of Editing Schedule Drafts when marking up the schedule document. The departments return their schedules to the Office of the Registrar for input of changes and room pre-assignments into CU-SIS. 

Classes that do not have priority room scheduling (see below) are assigned rooms by the automated room scheduling software, 25Live. Since the 25Live program is run only once per term, all departments receive equal consideration for rooms irrespective of when their schedule was received (as long as it was returned by the deadline). Thus round 1 is not “first come, first served.”

Classroom Assignments

In an effort to maximize space utilization, the Office of the Registrar reserves the right to deny a request to use a general academic room (including 1st round priority rooms) if the enrollment capacity doesn't justify the room's overall capacity.

Room assignments are made by 25Live scheduling software, with the exception of the following:

  • Priority room scheduling approved by the appropriate Dean and coordinated through Academic Scheduling
  • Department-controlled spaces such as science labs, art studios, specialized labs, etc.
  • Standing reservations of large lecture halls coordinated through Academic Scheduling
  • Classrooms to accommodate the needs of faculty with physical disabilities
  • Computer labs due to specialized technology
    • Only way for a department to ensure this classroom assignment is to explicitly request this technology on their Round 1 schedule submission. Any computer lab requests post Round 2 send-out are not guaranteed and based on leftover availability.

Departments may request or self-assign such rooms in round 1 of the schedule.  All such rooms that are not utilized in the first round return to the general classroom inventory and are available to other departments in round 2.

Note: Enrollment limits may NOT exceed fire code capacities in any room.

Round 2 

Once all room assignments are completed, Academic Scheduling sends a new Curriculum Management Report to departments for any final changes. Unlike round 1, round 2 is “first come, first served”: The Office of the Registrar processes the returned round 2 schedules in the order they are received.

Break-out room requests will only be granted on the 2nd round of scheduling if space allows. 

Class Scheduling After Round 2

After rounds 1 and 2 of the scheduling process are completed, submit any changes or additions to the class schedule on the Request to Add/Change a Class form. The form may be submitted directly to

Please note the following:

  • Requests for room changes will depend on availability of classrooms. Please email in advance to inquire about room availability.
  • Any changes made to days, dates, times or enrollment capacity may result in the loss or change of room assignment.
  • Any changes made to days, dates, times, or credits after students are enrolled or have placed the class in their Shopping Carts will require the Office of the Registrar to cancel the original section, create a new section, and re-enroll the students. Students who have time conflicts at the new time will not be re-enrolled.
  • It is the department’s responsibility to notify students of any day/time changes or class cancellations.

Extended Studies

Extended Studies can request rooms for their classes. Rooms will be assigned after the Main Campus schedule is finalized and ready to go live. 
(Exception= Remedial Math courses)

Please see the links at the left for more resources to help with scheduling your classes. For questions about class scheduling, please email