Grading Deadlines and Policies
Grading Deadlines and Policies
Grade Roster Availability: Each semester grade rosters will be created 10 days prior to the end of the session in which the course is housed. Grade rosters for short courses will be created two business days prior to the end of the course. Grade rosters for full semester length Fall 2024 courses will be created on Wednesday, December 11.
Fall 2024 Final Grading Deadline: Tuesday, December 24 at 11:00 p.m. University policy requires that faculty enter course grades into the online grading system no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended. Beginning Tuesday, December 24, grade rosters left in 'Approve' status will be administratively 'Posted' by the Office of the Registrar.
Grades for short courses must be entered no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended or the last day of the course, whichever is first.
Online Grade Changes: The Office of the Registrar is pleased to offer an online grade change process for any grades you may need to change after you've officially posted your grade roster. Please review the last section of this page for instructions.
Grading Tutorial: For additional grading instructions, please review our Online Grading Tutorial or call the Office of the Registrar at 719-255-3361.
Grade Roster Availability: Grade rosters for full semester length spring 2025 courses will be created on Wednesday, May 7. Grade rosters for short courses will be created two business days prior to the end of the course.
Spring 2025 Final Grading Deadline: Tuesday, May 20 at 11:00 p.m. University policy requires that faculty enter course grades into the online grading system no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended. Beginning Wednesday, May 7 grade rosters left in 'Approve' status will be administratively 'Posted' by the Office of the Registrar.
Grades for short courses must be entered no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended or the last day of the course, whichever is first.
Online Grade Changes: The Office of the Registrar is pleased to offer an online grade change process for any grades you may need to change after you've officially posted your grade roster. Please review the last section of this page for instructions.
Grading Tutorial: For additional grading instructions, please review our Online Grading Tutorial or call the Office of the Registrar at 719-255-3361.
Grade Roster Availability: Summer semester grade rosters will be created 7 days prior to the end of the session in which the course is housed. Grade rosters for short courses will be created two business days prior to the end of the course. Grade rosters for full semester length summer 2025 courses will be created on Friday, July 25.
Summer 2025 Grading Deadline: Tuesday, August 5 at 11:00pm. University policy requires that faculty enter course grades into the online grading system no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended. Beginning Friday, July 25 grade rosters left in 'Approve' status will be administratively 'Posted' by the Office of the Registrar.
Grades for short courses must be entered no later than 90 hours after their final exam has ended or the last day of the course, whichever is first.
Online Grade Changes: The Office of the Registrar is pleased to offer an online grade change process for any grades you may need to change after you've officially posted your grade roster. Please review the last section of this page for instructions.
Grading Tutorial: For additional grading instructions, please review our Online Grading Tutorial or call the Office of the Registrar at 719-255-3361.
We are pleased to offer an online grade change process that replaces the physical Course Change of Record form. You may submit an online grade change within the Faculty Center of the myUCCS Portal after you have submitted a final grade roster. Please use the links below for instructions on submitting an online grade change through your myUCCS Portal/Faculty Center. Also, please be sure to use the instructions that correlate with your academic role on campus.
Online Grade Change - Instructions for Instructor/Proxy Initiator (October 2023)
Online Grade Change - Instructions for Deans/Approver (October 2023)
Other questions? Please contact the Office of the Registrar at or 719-255-3361.
• Grades can be entered manually (drop-down grading or bubble grading), or uploaded (using a .csv file).Tip: Save often when manually entering grades.
• Once all grades are entered, update the grade roster action to "Approved" and click Save.
• If ready, click on the POST button to post grades to students' records.
Faculty have the ability to batch upload grades to grade rosters using a CSV file. Please review the Batch Uploading Grades to Grade Roster Using a CSV File document for detailed instructions.
If a student attended the class but his or her name does not appear on the grade roster, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of the Registrar at 719-255-3361 to resolve the issue. The instructor may also inform the student of the need to contact the Office of the Registrar or, if contact is not possible, identify the student to the Office of the Registrar. The instructor will not be able to assign a course grade until the issue is resolved. After the Office of the Registrar has informed the instructor that the matter has been resolved, the instructor assigns a final grade by completing a Change of Record form.
Final grades in Canvas do not automatically upload into the grade roster. Grades must be manually entered into the grade roster or uploaded using a .csv file.
If you assign a grade of "F", you will be required to enter an "F Grade Attendance Record" for the student (Attended Until Term Completed, Never Attended, or Attended Until...).
• "Attended Until Term Completed" is the same thing as an earned "F".
• "Never Attended" is assigned when there is no record of attendance or you do not know when the student stopped attending.
• "Attended Until..." is assigned if the student attended until a certain point in time. If this option is selected, you will be required to provide the date of the last academically related activity (such as attending class, completing a quiz, tutorial, paper, or project).
Grade rosters can be saved but not "Approved" or "Posted" until the aforementioned fields have been populated. Once you have posted your grade roster, any changes to the "F Grade Attendance Record" or "Date of Last Academic Activity or Attendance" can only be performed by the Office of the Registrar.
The instructor is responsible for determining the course completion requirements and grading standards.
• Grades of "IP" are assigned for graduate thesis, project or dissertation classes only.
• Grades of "I" should only be assigned under extenuating circumstances. Refer to your college's and/or department's policies prior to assigning an "I".
Students are allowed one academic year to complete a grade of "I" before it converts to an "F". An online grade change can be submitted by the instructor within the Faculty Center of the myUCCS Portal. Change of Record forms my also be used and are available each college's dean's office.
A grade of "W" (Withdrawn) is administratively assigned by the Office of the Registrar when a student drops a class after the official census date for the class. The "W" grade will appear on the grade roster and the student's academic record. This is a requirement placed upon the University by the state auditing function. A "W" grade does not affect the GPA. Faculty members do not have the ability to assign grades of 'W'.
Note: You are unable to use the online grade change process to assign a grade of 'W' for a retroactive withdrawal, etc. A physical Course Change Form should be used to assign a grade of 'W' retroactively.
Students can check their grades through the myUCCS Portal or the UCCS2Go mobile application. Grade reports are not mailed to students. Under the provisions of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), student grades are NOT to be displayed in public places or online.