CU Guest Access


CU Guest Access is a read-only, online option for guests to view specific aspects of your education record. You can select components of your record that the guest can view, and you can modify or revoke access at any time. Guests can’t make any changes to your record or complete any transactions on your behalf.

Please note: CU Guest Access does not authorize a guest to contact the university to request or discuss your student's education record. To allow a parent or third party the ability discuss a student's education record with the university, the student must file a FERPA Consent to Release.

What’s Included?

A limited number of items are available to view through CU Guest Access. Students may assign any or all of the following:

  • Advisor information — May include name and email for assigned advisors based on plan or program
  • College Opportunity Fund (COF) selections — For Colorado resident undergraduate students who are COF eligible
  • Class schedule — Enrolled, dropped and waitlisted classes by semester
  • Contact information — Includes student home, mail and local addresses, email addresses and phone numbers
  • Course history — A record of all classes taken, including campus, status and grades
  • Emergency contact information — All emergency contact information supplied by the student, including a contact’s relationship, address, phone and email, if available
  • Enrollment appointments — Enrollment dates for upcoming semesters by campus
  • Grades — All grades from classes taken at any University of Colorado campus, including credit hours and GPA
  • Health insurance selection — Coverage selected or waived by the student and by semester
  • Holds — Current campus-specific holds that may impact registration
  • Program/plan information — Includes all institutions, careers, programs, majors and degrees
  • Transfer credit report — Credit received from external institutions and applied at CU
  • Unofficial transcripts — Includes “All CU Careers” unofficial transcript

Students: How to Set Up CU Guest Access

Log in to myUCCS Portal and expand the Records and Registration menu on the left side of the page.

Under Records and Registration, click CU Guest Access. After accepting the terms and conditions, you’ll enter the guest’s name and email address, and select which items you want the guest to be able to access.  Note: The email address you use for each guest should match the email your guest uses for LinkedIn, Facebook or Google, since CU Guest Access uses these three social media platforms to authenticate users.

You can grant access to an unlimited number of guests, and the record items you select can be unique for each one. The information you share is the same data available in the Student Center area of your myUCCS Portal. After saving your selections, you’ll receive a confirmation message and an email summary confirming the items of record you’ve granted access for your guest to view online. You may assign, modify or revoke access at any time.

To learn more, read our FAQs 

Guests: How to Activate CU Guest Access

Once the student submits your credentials, you’ll receive an email listing the record components to which they've granted you access, along with a link to create your account.  Follow the link, then choose one of three social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook or Google) to use for authentication. On the next screen, provide the email address where the email was sent to and your first and last name.

Note: Guests may only use LinkedIn, Facebook or Google (including a Gmail email address) to establish CU Guest Access. The email address associated with the designated account must match the email used to establish access by the student. This connection is for authentication purposes only; UCCS retains no record of or access to the social media account used.

You’ll receive a second email when your account has been activated. Use the same social media account from the previous step to authenticate access, accept the terms and conditions, provide the security key found in the emails and your email address, and complete your account activation.

Read our FAQs to learn more.

For guests who have already activated their accounts, log into CU Guest Access by clicking here