
  • Each course at UCCS is within one of these specific sessions (e.g. Main Campus Semester, Pre-Term, Spring Break, Session A, Session B, etc.)
  • These sessions dictate the academic, enrollment, and financial deadlines of each course.
  • It’s important that you know which session your courses are under. Students have the option to register for courses that are in different sessions within a term. By doing so, academic, enrollment, and financial deadlines differ from course to course.
  • You can locate the session your course is under by clicking on the section of the course in your student schedule within the myUCCS portal.
  • You can also locate these specific dates by logging into your myUCCS portal, locate your classes under “Academics” and click on the calendar icon next to each course. Specific class deadlines will be listed.

Weeks of Instruction

  • Length in weeks the course is in session

Session Start/Session End

  • Date range in which the course begins and ends within each session. Check your myUCCS Portal for specific class meeting dates and times.

Last Day to Enroll/Waitlist Without Approval

  • Students may enroll or waitlist for courses within the session until this date. After this date has passed, instructors must give approval before a student can register for the course.
  • Permission Numbers can be issued by the department that offers the course or by your academic advisor to allow enrollment in a course after this deadline through census date.
  • An Add/Drop/Withdraw Form may also be utilized (instructor signature is required on the form). Return form to Main Hall 108 or

Waitlist Deleted

  • Waitlists are deleted the day (or next business day) after the “Last Day to Enroll/Waitlist Without Approval”


  • The Census Date of a course or session is the last day to drop that course without penalty and receive a full refund. No grades are assigned to courses dropped before the course’s census date. 
  • Courses dropped after this date are considered withdrawn. These are non-refundable and are assigned with an official grade of ‘W’ (Withdrawn).
  • IMPORTANT: “Short Courses”, those that meet for untraditional and condensed dates (such as Pre-Term or Intensive session courses) have special deadlines. Please refer to the “Short Courses” description below for more information.

Last Day to Withdraw

  • Students can withdraw from courses within their myUCCS portal from census date until this deadline without obtaining any approvals. No refunds are given for courses withdrawn from after the census date of the course.
  • After the Last Day to Withdraw, students must obtain approvals from the course instructor and academic dean (of the college in which the course is in) to withdraw from a course. Approvals must be signed on a Add/Drop/Withdraw Form and submitted to the Office of the Registrar (Main Hall 108).
  • If a student is requesting approval to withdraw from all courses after this deadline, they are requesting a Complete Semester Withdrawal. These students must get approval from the Office of the Dean of Students (Main Hall 201) through a Complete Semester Withdrawal Request Form
  • Requests to withdraw after this deadline are only granted to students who have extenuating circumstances, and it is not guaranteed that students will be granted the option to withdraw from a course or have a complete semester withdrawal approved.

Permission Numbers

  • A permission number is a unique number students can be issued to enroll in a course they would otherwise not be eligible for. Permission numbers are most often issued when a student has not completed the required pre-requisites or instructor approval is needed to enroll in a specific course. 
  • Permission numbers essentially take the place of the physical Add/Drop/Withdraw Form
  • Permission numbers are issued by academic departments or by academic advisors.
  • Permission numbers can be used to enroll in a course after the last day to enroll deadline through census date.

*Short Courses

  • Short courses are defined as courses that meet in a untraditional or condensed pattern within a semester. These courses are often called Pre-Term or Intensive courses. These types of courses have special academic and financial deadlines that differ from full semester length courses. For a detailed list of academic and financial deadlines for these types of courses, visit our Short Course Deadlines.
  • You can also locate these specific dates by logging into your myUCCS portal, locate 'My Class Schedule' under 'Register for Classes" and click on the calendar icon next to each course. Specific class deadlines will be listed. See instructions here: Drop Deadlines in myUCCS Portal.