Drop and Withdrawal Policies and Procedures

Deadline Overview


  • Course deadlines are determined by the 'Session' they are scheduled in. Each course is in one of these specific sessions (e.g. Main Campus Semester, Spring Break, Session A, Session B, etc.). These sessions dictate the academic, enrollment, and financial deadlines of each course. Review those deadlines here: Course Deadlines
  • Some courses, known as short courses, are in sessions (Pre-Term or Intensive) that have varying and untraditional start/end dates. These courses have special deadlines that differ from course to course. Review those deadlines here: Short Course Deadlines
  • It’s important that students are aware of their course session deadlines. Although the majority of courses scheduled are in the Main Campus Semester session, students have the option to register for courses that are in different sessions within a semester. By doing so, academic, enrollment, and financial deadlines can differ. 

**You can locate your course's specific deadlines by logging into your myUCCS portal, go to 'Register for Classes' under 'Records and Registration', locate 'My Class Schedule' under the menu in the top right, and click on the calendar icon next to each course. Specific class deadlines will be listed. See instructions here: Drop Deadlines in myUCCS Portal

There are two key drop dates that are determined by a course's session:

Census Date and Last Day to Withdraw 

Census Date


  • The Census Date is the last day to drop without penalty and receive a full refund of tuition and most course fees. No grades are assigned to courses dropped before the course’s census date. Courses that are dropped after their census date date are non-refundable and are assigned with an official grade of ‘W’ (withdrawn). 
  • Important: The Main Campus Semester census date is what is referenced most often. Although the majority of scheduled courses are in the Main Campus Semester session, students have the option to register for courses in different sessions within a semester. It is the student's responsibility to know each of their course's session and census date. See the 'Drop/Withdrawal Deadline Overview' section above.

Last Day to Withdraw


  • The Last Day to Withdraw is the last day students can withdraw from a course in their myUCCS portal. Students can withdraw from a course until 11:59pm (MST) on this date. After this deadline, students must obtain specific approvals to withdraw from a course. 
  • After this deadline, students must obtain approval from the instructor of the course and then the academic dean (of the college the course is in) to withdraw. Approvals must be signed on a Add/Drop/Withdraw Form and submitted to the Office of the Registrar (Main Hall 108). See the 'Course / Partial Withdrawals' section below. 
  • If a student is requesting approval to withdraw from all courses after this deadline, they are requesting a complete semester withdrawal. These students must get approval from the Office of the Dean of Students (Main Hall 201) by completing a Complete Semester Withdrawal Request Form. See the 'Complete Semester Withdrawals' section below.
  • Important: Any request after the last day to withdraw is not guaranteed and are reserved for students who have extenuating circumstances. If approved, courses are assigned an official grade of 'W' and no refunds are given. 
  • Important: The Main Campus Semester 'last day to withdraw' deadline is what is referenced most often. Although the majority of scheduled courses are in the Main Campus Semester session, students have the option to register for courses that are in different sessions within a semester. It is the student's responsibility to know each of their course's session and last day to withdraw deadline. See the 'Drop/Withdrawal Deadline Overview' section above.

Course Drops


  • A student wanting to drop a course (or multiple courses) before that course's census date, is requesting a 'course drop'. 
  • Courses that are dropped by 11:59pm (MST) on the course census date will be refunded tuition and most fees, will not receive any grade, and will not appear on a student's transcript. A student dropping all of their courses by each course's census date is cancelling their enrollment for that semester.
  • Students can drop courses in their myUCCS portal from their initial enrollment appointment until 11:59pm (MST) on each course's census date. 

Course & Partial Withdrawals


  • Any course being dropped after its specified census date is considered a course withdrawal. A student wanting to withdraw from a single course or a portion of their courses while remaining enrolled in at least one course, is requesting a course withdrawal (or partial withdrawal). Courses that are withdrawn from after the Census Date are non-refundable and are assigned with an official grade of ‘W’ (withdrawn).
  • Students can withdraw from a course in their myUCCS portal after the course's census date has passed until 11:59pm (MST) on the course's last day to withdraw deadline. 
  • After the last day to withdraw, students must obtain approvals from the instructor and the academic dean (of the course) to withdraw. If a student is withdrawing from multiple courses this will require obtaining the approval of each course's instructor and possibly multiple academic dean's offices. Approvals must be signed on a Add/Drop/Withdraw Form and submitted to the Office of the Registrar (Main Hall 108) or emailed to registrar@uccs.edu.
  • Important: Requests to withdraw from a course after the last day to withdraw are not guaranteed and are reserved for students who have extenuating circumstances. Each academic college has their own policies on approving course withdrawals after this deadline. 

Complete Semester Withdrawals


  • The University defines a complete semester withdrawal as the termination of a student's enrollment for any given semester after census date. Students are no longer registered for any courses, nor have they completed any courses. A student wanting to withdraw from all courses after census date, is requesting a 'complete semester withdrawal.' Courses that are withdrawn from after their census date are non-refundable and are assigned an official grade of ‘W’ (withdrawn).
  • Students wishing to terminate their enrollment prior to their course census date(s), please see the 'Course Drops' section above.
  • Students can completely withdraw for the semester in their myUCCS portal after the census date(s) of the courses have passed until 11:59pm (MST) on the last day to withdraw deadline of the courses. No approval is needed until after the last day to withdraw deadline.
  • After the 'last day to withdraw', a student requesting a 'complete semester withdrawal' must receive approval from the Office of the Dean of Students (Main Hall 201) through an approved Complete Semester Withdrawal Request Form. These types of requests are are not guaranteed and are reserved for students who have extenuating circumstances.

Contact the Office of the Dean of Students if you have questions or concerns regarding the complete semester withdrawal process.

Please note: Students have the option to register for courses in different sessions and may have deadlines that vary. This means a student may have courses with different census dates and last day to withdraw deadlines. Any course on a student's schedule that is not past its census date or last day to withdraw deadline, needs to be dropped/withdrawn from by the student in their myUCCS portal. 

Steps for Complete Semester Withdrawals:
  1. Review the information above and the deadline calendar below for additional information regarding complete semester withdrawal refunds, policies, and procedures.
  2. Locate your specific course's deadlines in the 'My Class Schedule' in your myUCCS Portal.
  3. Drop or withdraw from courses in the myUCCS Portal if prior to courses census date or last day to withdraw deadlines.
  4. Fill out a Complete Semester Withdrawal Request Form if it is past courses last day to withdraw deadline.
  5. If you live in on-campus housing, you must fill out a housing petition to cancel your housing agreement.
  6. If you are receiving Financial Aid, review the Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy and meet with a counselor.
  7. If you are receiving Veteran’s Benefits, notify the Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs.
  8. Confirm your address is up-to-date with the Office of the Registrar (Main Hall 108 or registrar@uccs.edu).
  9. Contact the Parking and Transportation Office if you have an active parking permit.
  10. If any courses have been dropped prior to their census date, refund processing will begin approximately two weeks after census date.

Deadline Calendar


**The below deadlines and procedures apply to full semester length courses only. Courses in any other session that do not meet for the entire semester have different deadlines. Please review the 'Drop & Withdrawal Deadline Overview' section above.** 

Please Note:

  • Students who are enrolled in a course that requires consent to drop must contact their academic advisor or the department that offers the course to drop.
  • Student athletes must obtain approval from the Athletic Director of Compliance to drop/withdraw from a course or to completely withdraw at any time.
  • Students with F-1 and J-1 international visas need approval from their international student advisor to drop/withdraw from a course or to completely withdraw after census date.
  • Students using veteran’s benefits must complete the Post-Census Course Drop Request Form through the Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs to withdraw from a course or completely withdraw after census date.
Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2024Course & Partial WithdrawalsComplete Semester Withdrawals 

Sep. 12
(Census Date)

Feb. 5
(Census Date)

June 18
(Census Date)

  • Last day to drop full semester length courses and receive a 100% refund and avoid official 'W' grade(s).
  • Any course dropped after this day is considered as withdrawn.
  • Last day to drop from all full semester length courses and receive a 100% refund and avoid official 'W' grades.
  • Students must drop all courses using the myUCCS portal by this date to be considered as canceling their enrollment for the semester.

Sep. 13 - Nov. 1

Feb. 6 -April 4

June 19 - July 11

  • Students may withdraw from full semester length courses within this range of dates using the myUCCS portal.
  • No approval is needed to withdraw from full semester length courses within this range of dates. An official grade of 'W' will be assigned and no refund will be issued. 
  • Students may completely withdraw from all full semester length courses within this range of dates using the myUCCS portal.
  • No approval is needed to completely withdraw within this range of dates. An official grade of 'W' will be assigned to each course and no refund will be issued.
  • Any course not withdrawn from will receive a final grade from the instructor of the course and the student will not be considered as completely withdrawn.

After Nov. 2 

(Last Day to Withdraw)

After April 4 

(Last Day to Withdraw)

After July 12 

(Last Day to Withdraw)

The following steps must be completed to withdraw from a course or multiple courses:

  • Fill out an Add/Drop/Withdraw Form with all student and course information.
  • Bring the form to the instructor for approval to withdraw from their course.
  • Bring the form to the academic dean (of the course) for approval to withdraw from the course(s).
  • Submit the final completed form to the Office of the Registrar in-person or via email.
  • These types of requests are are not guaranteed. Each academic college has their own policies on approving course withdrawals after this deadline.
  • Unless you follow these procedures and obtain approvals, you will not be withdrawn from the course(s) and will receive a final grade from the instructor(s) of the course(s).

The following steps must be completed if a student is choosing to completely withdraw (all courses) for a semester:

  • Submit a Complete Semester Withdrawal Request Form through the Dean of Students Office.
  • Complete semester withdrawals are recorded and become effective when approved and processed by the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • These types of requests are are not guaranteed.
  • Unless you follow these procedures and obtain approval from the Office of the Dean of Students, you have not been withdrawn and will receive final grades from each instructor.